Due to Covid restrictions we were unable to run our 2020 or 2021 Events. Hopefully we will be back to normal by 2022.
Saturday afternoon follow the roads & trails on an approximately 8km course.
Test your observation skills as you answer questions along the way.
Don’t forget to collect your playing cards from the check points to hand in as your poker hand at the end.
After the ride, sit around the camp fire or enjoy a beverage from the Ranch Bar.
Breakfast will be available in the cafe for those wanting to camp or stay the night.
Accommodation from $35.00pp per night. A limited number of yards will also be available to hire or BYO yards
Sunday will see entrants heading out on an approximate 12+km course again with questions & a poker hand.
Prizes will be awarded for
You can enter one day or both, or just come along for the Saturday night.
A fantastic opportunity to pair up with a friend and ride though some lovely areas East of Echuca.
For further information or entries, please do not hesitate to contact us at the Ranch on 03 5483 5122.