Currently we have no Team Penning Days planned.
Billabong Ranch Program of Events
Waivers must be signed at Office before participating in ANY events.
Times and events may be subject to change due to entry numbers, cattle availability & weather conditions. Prize money for all events is a percentage of entries.
Camping will be available for those wanting to stay overnight.
You will need to BYO yards, water buckets etc.
Strictly NO DOGS
The Café will be open 9am to 5pm each day for Coffee, Milk Shakes, Breakfast, Lunches & Snacks.
The Dining Hall will be open from 11am Saturday for lunches & snacks.
Dinner will be served from 6.00pm to 8.00pm.
Breakfast will be available in hall from 8.00am.
The bar will be open so please no BYO in the hall.
Communal Fire Pit will be outside Hall area. BYO OK here.
Helmets must be worn in all horse events.
No Glass permitted in camping & horse areas.